Live Virtual Workshop

Boundaries & Balance

Set healthy boundaries for the balance you're seeking

Wednesday, August 24th 

12pm pst

We are not meant to do it all... Boundaries are the answer to Balance. 

Are you a high achiever in the business world, constantly pushing your limits to achieve success? Do you find it challenging to balance your personal and professional life, leading to overwhelming stress and burnout? The Boundaries and Balance Workshop is here to transform your life and empower you to achieve peak performance while maintaining a sense of harmony.
This workshop will bring you answers around:
  • Effective Boundary Setting: Discover the art of setting healthy boundaries that safeguard your time, energy, and well-being without compromising your success.
  • Laying the Foundation: Learn the powerful step that most people miss when they attempt to set boundaries
  • Work-Life Integration: Boundaries at work and boundaries at home equate a happier you
  • Upholding Boundaries: Setting boundaries is only half the battle, and it's not even the hardest half compared to upholding them
  • And MORE... 

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  • Overwhelm and Burnout: You feel constantly overwhelmed by the demands of your business and personal life, leading to burnout and decreased productivity.
  • Lack of Boundaries: You struggle to set clear boundaries, resulting in a blurred line between work and personal time, leaving you feeling drained and unfulfilled.
  • Stress and Low Resilience: High-pressure environments have left you stressed and lacking the resilience needed to handle challenges effectively.
  • Unbalanced Life: Despite achieving professional success, you feel unbalanced and find it challenging to enjoy a fulfilling personal life.

Boundaries & Balance is for you if you experience: 


Hi I'm Lindsey Paoli, the MIND Performance Coach.   
When I was a leader in the corporate world, I thought (like many) that emotions would only get in the way, and I actively worked to stifle them to appear to be in control at all times.  What ended up happening instead was that life felt dull, grey and unexciting and my depression which had only BARELY been at bay quickly took over.
As it turns out, having a full range of emotions is not only more enjoyable but absolutely necessary to living a healthy and whole life--not to mention the important roles that emotion plays in relationships, parenting, and business. But my need to stifle came honestly, as the opposite often felt true--when a strong emotion came over me I had very little control of it and often felt I was lashing out in anger, sadness, or masked fear, in ways that were embarassing and shameful. Learning to find a happy medium to healthily use emotions to my advantage became a life changing skill and aspect of my current success.  
  I'm a post-graduate therapist who left traditional private practice to make bigger impact as a keynote speaker, corporate performance coach + contributing author for the bestselling book, Living A Legacy. My expertise has been featured on national news, including the Daily Flash, American Trends, MORE Fox 5, and in publications including ABC, NBC, Marketwatch, Thrive Global, Shoutout LA, and more! 

Meet Your Host

Imagine if.... 

instead of feeling overwhelmed trying to do it all on your own, you were able to: 

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  • Set clear expectations for your energy and time without guilt 
  • Knew exactly where you needed boundaries in your life and how to effectively set them 
  • Knew exactly how to respond when you receive the exact pushback you feared about setting boundaries in the first place
  • Balancing Goals: Learn to align your personal and professional goals, enabling you to create a life that thrives on both achievement and happiness.
This workshop will give you all this and more!


This Workshop should last around 60 minutes but I recommend blocking out a little bit of extra time before hand to download the workbook and set the mood, plus a little time afterwards to wrap up any notes or start to practice what you learned!

Yes! Anyone with a ticket will get an extra 2 days of access to the replay of the Workshop! Upgrade to the MIND Performance Bundle for extended access to this workshop and ALL of Lindsey's monthly mental performance workshops of 2023!

Short answer is No. While Lindsey’s training and background is rooted in licensed therapy, she has since left the industry as a means of meeting people where they are (not everyone loves therapy, including her!). While much of her knowledge base and interventions are informed by her background as a therapist, her work is very intentionally not therapy so YOU can get the best results.


  • Access to this Virtual Boundaries and Balance Workshop via Zoom - Wednesday August 23, at 12:00 pm PST
  • 5 Day Access to the Replay if you can't attend live
  • A workbook to help you learn along and personalize the content for YOUR lifestyle, creating daily mastery as a habit

What You'll Get:

Unlease your Superpowers

Did you know that at least 1 in 5 (and likely more) adults will experience a diagnosable mental disorder in their life?


I knew there had to be a faster and more accessible way to get mental health education and tools out to the masses rather than just relying on individuals to overcome their shame and an overwhelmed system, which is why I created Fundamental Health and MIND Performance Coaching. 

why mind performance coaching? 


  • Tickets for all 10 monthly live virtual workshops hosted by Lindsey Paoli, the MIND Performance Coach in 2023
  • Portal Access to all replays and workbooks 
  • Access to a private Facebook Group for Support/Accountability
  • Regular LIVES in Facebook Community with Lindsey 

Get the insider scoop: 

2023 MIND PERFORMANCE Workshop Bundle

Is Self Care a priority this year?
Sign up for the
MIND Performance Bundle:  

Cost: $67o 