Okay, so I can’t teach you how to organize your Nintendo 64 Games. Full disclosure, I never even had Nintendo 64 games (but my brother did. That rumble controller was THE JAM!).
What I CAN do is offer you the ability to take the steps to move forward in your life.
I’m GREAT at teaching you how to organize thoughts, your boundaries, and your goals and showing you how much that benefits your focus.
And I pride myself on being able to help you master habits in no time at all. Like….I’m talking, 1 hour a week.
Online. . .
With me, my computer, and a ring light.
Damn the digital irony!
The digital world can be overwhelming and cause anxiety, so here are just a few tips that I use to work through my tech anxiety and declutter digitally to have better focus throughout my day-
Create filters in your email! (this one’s a life saver
. Big shout out to Sierra for teaching me!)
Blue light glasses – did you know blue light increases our stress hormone, cortisol?
Organizing your phone apps – I can’t begin to explain how helpful this has been! Putting them in their own folders helps free up visual space, and makes it easy for me to hide time sucking apps like Instagram so I can catch myself BEFORE I’ve accidentally lost an hour of valuable time and energy)
UNPLUGGING – Duh! As a MIND Fundamental obvi this one is so important. Scheduled NON-TECH time is something I’ll preach til I’m blue in the face!
There’s a whole world out there! Get outside, get moving, put your phone down, and notice the benefits! Schedule phone turn off time tonight instead of doomscrolling yourself to sleep and watch the difference tonight AND tomorrow!
Imagine if you got actionable tips like this, in person, with me and a group of other supporting, growing, and accountable learners just like you, every single week? Could you imagine if you learned and applied these small simple shifts to your daily life how much would look and *FEEL*different in just four weeks? What about 24 weeks?
This is the premise of The Rewire. No perpetual committment as required with therapy, instead MAXIMUM results at a pace and with content that actually applies to your life as a high achieving leader. Click here to see more about why The Rewire could be a great option for you!
And then, after you see how awesome The Rewire is, and you book your Meet and Greet call to initiate the first step of your application, close the laptop and get the f*ck off your phone for ten minutes and focus on how beautiful the day is!
MTVs Unplugged was onto something, Lindsey Paoli, MS MFT The MIND Performance Coach
